The Organizational Board of the Enterpreneurship Fair NISSPRED 2017 notifies the enterpreneurs and the business people from Nis and the surroundings that a presentation of the Enterpreneurship Fair was organized on April 28th, at the premises of the City Municipality of Pantelej. Accompanied by the members of the Organizational Board, the presentation was held twice, at 11 a.m. and at 1 p.m, the President of the City Municipality of Pantelej and the President of the Organisational Board, Mr. Bratimir Vasiljevic opened the events. The presentation was attended by the representatives of the associations of the enterpreneurs and the enterpreneurs themselves. After the official presentation was held, the organizers listened for the suggestions of the attendees and provided additional explanations in connection with the application for participating in the Fair. Accepting the plea of the business people, enterpreneurs and the representatives of their associations, the organizers decided to extend the apllication deadline and provide the 20 % discount for the applications made untill May 5th. Additional information can be acquired via the contact persons from the organisation. The phone numbers and e-mail addresses for the written communication can be found on the official website: We notify all persons interested that the next Fair presentation will be held on Thursday, May 4th, at 11:00 and at 13:00 at he premises of the City Municipality of Pantelej.