The Jurisdiction of the Municipal Units



The Municipal Units (Departments) form a unique organ. 

The Municipal Departments are founded as internal organizational units for performance of mutually connected jobs which demand such an organization because of their nature, wholesomeness and the manner of completion.

The departments have at least five employees.

Within the departments, for the purpose of performing similar or mutually connected jobs specific for their manner of completion, the groups of employees with at least three persons can be established. 


Article 8

For performance of particular jobs of the Municipality, especially in connection to realization of the citizens' rights, the activities in the local community offices can be organized. 


Article 9

Internal organizational units of the Municipality are: 

1. Department for the activities of the Cabinet of the President of the City Municipality of Pantelej and the Assembly of the City Municipality of Pantelej

2. Department for legal, Assembly and general affairs

3. Financial Department

4. Department for economy and local development

5. Department for property and communal affairs