5th Session of the Assembly of the City Municipality of Pantelej

The Budget of the City Municipality of Pantelej for 2017 amounts to near 133 million dinars, said the President of the City Municipality of Pantelej Bratimir Vasiljevic at the 5th session of the Assembly and added that significant funds will be allocated for social assistance, employment and self-employment of the citizens, as well as, for the priority projects most significant  for the citizens of Pantelej. Apart from the budget vote, the Members of the Assembly gave positive opinion on the proposal of the Local action plan for employment for the upcoming year. According to the words of Natasa Stankovic, the Municipal Councilor for employment, the City Municipality of Pantelej is the only municipality in Serbia which not only developed and adopted, but also implemented the guidelines of this active employment policy document. For the implementation of the plan the municipality allocated 2 million dinars, and the same amount is expected from the  Ministry of works, employment and social affairs. The vulnerable social group will be the priority for the upcoming year.