Partnership in organization of Enterprenurship Fair

By signing the protocol of co-operation, the Mayor of Nis, Darko Bulatovic, the President of the City Municipality of Pantelej, Bratimir Vasiljevic, the Deputy Director of the National Employment Office in Nis, Natasa Stankovic, the Director of the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Nis, Aleksandar Milicevic, Director of the Association of craftsmen and enterpreneurs, Tatjana Momcilovic and the President of the Executive board of the Business club of Nis, Dragan Milosevic, made official their engagement in the organization and realization of the Enterpreneurship and business fair EXPO NIS 2017, which is organized on September 21st-23rd at the Sports Hall "Cair" by the City Municipality of Pantelej, under the patronage of the City of Nis. Expressing his gratitude for the support to the Mayor of Nis and all the partners, the President Vasiljeivc said that he believed that the upcoming Fair, as an exhibition of enterpreneurship and business, would lay the foundations for regular gathering of business people and contribute to the reputaion of Nis as a City of Fairs.