Improvement of the social care in the local community

As the partners on the project supported by the designated Ministry and implemented by the organization of the civil society Protekta form Nis, the representatives of the City Municipality of Pantelej and the Center for the social care participated in a meeting of the project teams organized in Leskovac for the three municiaplities in the south-east Serbia (Pantelej, Babusnica, Presevo).

During the meeting organized with the purpose of the interim evaluation of the project activities the results were presented of the project which is to contribute to the improvement of the social care services in the local communities primarily for the old people and people with disabilities, as well as the children without parental care who are leaving the social care system. One of the results of the team from Nis is a publication "Guide through the social care services of the City of Nis"was presented. the Guie is  which is available on the municipal website.