Cleaning and maintenance of the village cemetery in Donja Vrezina

The President of the City Municipality of Pantelej, Bratimir Vasiljevic and the members of the municipal management visited the ongoing works on cleaning and maintenance of the village cemetery in Donja Vrezina. It is the second in row cleaning action on this location  this month, after 10-days-long works which were performed in the first half of August. Total of 35 workers were included in the activity since the unemployed persons who were already hired within the public works project were assisted by the persons who were sentenced to community works via the Facility for performance of sentences.

Having in mind the public interest of the community, the City Municipality of Pantelej realizes the activities in co-operation with the Public Utility Company Medijana which is in charge of basic maintenance of the cemetery in Vrezina which overgrew the status of the "village" cemetery according to numerous criteria and should be treated as a "city" cemetary in terms of regular maintenance, which is one of the demands of the City Municipality of Pantelej before all bodies in charge.