Official Announcement - Citizen Reception

Since the election of the new management of the Municipality with Bratimir Vasiljevic as the President, the practice of daily citizen reception was established on all work days, except for Monday, since 8 a.m. During the last two weeks, which is exactly the period since the constitution of the local government at Pantelej, 53 citizens were received. The President and the Deputy President had individual conversations with 16  and 15 citizens, respectively. The President of the Assembly had direct conversations with 3 citizens of Pantelej and Municipal Councelors, in charge of different sectors, received 19 citizens in total. 

The citizen reception is the duty of the whole municipal management and it is performed according to the following schedule:

- On Tuesdays, the citizens are received by the President of the City Municipality of Pantelej, Bratimir Vasiljevic, and the Deputy President of the City Municipality of Pantelej, Aleksandar Milosavljevic, as well as, the Municipal Councilor Nebojsa Lovic who is in charge of communal sector.

- On Wednesdays, the citizens will be received by Municipal Councilors Miljan Hadzovic, who is in charge of the sport, youth and culture sectors and Tihomir Peric, in charge of the sectors of social care and environment

- On Thursdays, the citizens will be received by Municipal Councilors Stevan Veselinovic and Natasa Stankovic who are in charge of economy, agriculture, employment and information. 

- On Fridays, the citizens can meet with the President of the Assembly of the City Municipality of Pantelej, Srdjan Nesic. It is also the second day of the week when the citizens are received  by the President of the City Municipality of Pantelej, Bratimir Vasiljevic, and the Deputy President, Aleksandar Milosavljevic.