10th Jubilee of the International Colony of Animated Film

Prior to the beginning of 10th International Colony of Animated Film, in the Great Hall of the City Municipality of Pantelej, a media conference was held during which the organizers informed the public about the participants and the Programme of this creative manifestation for children and youth from Nis and other Serbian Cities, as well as, numerous European countries and the region.  

The speakers at the conference were Dejan Dabice and Slobodan Milosevic from Studio of Animated Film and the Association Anima, on behalf of the organizers, and the officials of the City Municipality of Pantelej, the patron of this manifestation since its foundation. 

As announced, during the animation workshops, the Colony will gather near 40 participants, aged 7 to 17 among  whom are young creators and animators from Poland, Bulgaria and the Republic of Srpska. Their mentors will be renowned animated film authors Joanna Polak from Poland and Radostina Neykova from Bulgaria.