Regional gathering at the Enterpreneurship Fair

In reply to the official invitation of the President of the City Municipality of Pantelej Bratimir Vasiljevic, who is the host of the upcoming Enterpreneurship Fair which will be held under the patronage of the City of Nis on May 25th-27th at the Sports Hall "Cair", the representatives of all City Municipalities in Nis and numerous municipalities from this part of Serbia visited the gathering which was organized by the City Municipality of Pantelej for the purpose of presentation of the conditions and manner of participation in the Fair. The gathering was attended by the official representatives of 13 municipalities from the the region of South East Serbia: Bojnik, Vlasotince, Bujanovac, Trgoviste, Babusnica, Crna Trava, Dimitrovgrad, Varvarin, City of Leskovac and the City Municipalities in Nis - Medijana, Crveni krst, Palilula and  Niska Banja. In his address to the attendees, President Vasiljevic expressed his gratitude for great response and interest of the local self-governments who support the business people and enterpreneurs in their participation in the regional Fair. This initiative of the City Municipality of Pantelej the sector as important as enterpreneurship was received with the utmost approval of the representatives of the municipalities in this part of Serbia.