Support to Employment in "Leoni"

At the City Municipality of Pantelej, and the Municipality as the responsible local government which, through its Employment Action Plan for 2017 provides incentives for better employment of unemployed persons on employer's demand, a trilateral contract was signed between the Company Leoni Serbia, National Employment Service - Office in Nis by the President of the CIty Municipality of Pantelej, Bratimir Vasiljevic, Director of the Company Leoni Serbia, Clemens Sax, and the Director of the National Employment Service-Office in Nis, Boban Matic. At the same time, the contracts were signed by twenty participants in a training for work in the new production line of "Leoni" which started the next day and thus got the opportunity for permanent employment. In his address to the participants, President Vasiljevic said that this was the first in a row group of unemployed persons to get the support of the Municipality in their search of permanent employment. The CEO, Clemen Sax, expressed his pleasure with his co-operation with the City Municipality of Pantelej which represents an example of a good practice and accentuated the efforts of Company Leoni to improve the business process quality through trainings on demand by employers. The Director of the National Employment Service- Office in Nis confirmed the continuous successful co-operation in implementation of the Employment Action Plan with the City Municipality of Pantelej which is the leader in active employment measures for the unemployed persons from this area.