The Official Opening of the Youth Olympics of Sports and Knowledge at Kamenicki Vis

The President of the City Municipality of Pantelej, Bratimir Vasiljevic, officially opened the first youth camp organized under the project: "Fair Play Pantelej - youth olympics of sports and knowledge" which is being implemented during the next two months by the City Municipality of Pantelej in co-operation with its Youth Office and with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

In presence of the members of the management of the Municipality and the representatives of the Youth Office,  President Vasiljevic wishedthe participants pleasant stay in the camp at the most popular tourist site and a lot of success in acquiring new knowledge and skills which they can apply in their respective communities after they have finished the educational workshops. In addition to educational workshops, the participants will compete in baket ball, marathon, long jump, table tennis, darts and chess.