The City Municipality of Pantelej covers the north-east belt of the City of Nis and represents the home of the most valuable portion of the cultural, historical, artistic and religious heritage of the City of Nis. The heritage dates back to the period of early Christianity (IV c.) and the time when the Roman Naissus was the capitol of the Emperor Constantine the Great, who was born in Naissus and became famous in world history for his signing of the Edict of Milan in 313 AD as the supporter of the Christianity who acknowledged it as the official religion. Numerous Early-Christian sepulchres discovered at Jagodin mala and the Martyrium at the northern gate of the Municipality of Pantelej bear witness to the CIty of Nis as the cradel of the Christianity in its own kind.

The territory of the Municipality is the oldest and the most renowned part of the city, named after Saint Panteleimon. One of the most distinguished churches of the City of Nis, built on the foundations of the bequest of the Great Duke Stefan Nemanja, on the spot of his historical encounter with Friedrich I Barabrossa, towards the end of the XII century, is dedicated to this saint. The Monument Tower at Cegar is the symbol of memory about the famous battle with the Turkish army, the Battle of Cegar, and the mythic defeat of Serbian rebels under the commanding officer from Resava, Duke Stevan Sindjelic.